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Judith a personality in the hallway.

Hallways, entrances, cloakrooms and vestibules are often left in the shade. Strange, since they are the first thing we encounter in a home or workplace. With our new coat rack design, Judith, Gärsnäs and Studio Stockholm want to change all of that. Judith provides functionality and finesse for our forgotten cloakrooms.

“We wanted to make something that highlighted a somewhat neglected product category. Judith is modular and works in all contexts, from small hallways to large entrances for offices and conference facilities,” says the designer, Martin Eckerberg Ollas at Studio Stockholm.

The basic module can be extended into longer sections, any length you want.

Naturally, functionality meets restrained elegance. The basic component is a hook on the wall. That takes us directly to the assignment: something to hang clothes on. Between the hooks, round pegs for hangers and a rail of knobs.

“Our work evolved from an idea of a hanger as a graphical element, reduced to its most essential aspects, with only a few components and the opportunity to rationalise production,” says Martin Eckerberg Ollas.

With double hooks on the wall, there is also room for caps, scarves and gloves.

Judith is a personality. Its simplicity belies some sophisticated touches and the care taken in the details. Differing dimensions of the frame offer lovely connections. The rack ends have concave grooves, something the fingertips love. On the upper side, there are wave-shaped tracks for hangers, a historical reference to furniture making.

The elegant Judith could unlock new provisions and markets.

“Now architects and property owners have a functional, timelessly stylish product available,” says Martin Eckerberg Ollas, who thinks Judith could become an entire family of products in the future. A shoe rack already complements the hanger.

Judith is made of laminated oak. The round rod is bevelled with a hidden fitting that attaches it to the wall.

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