On 6 February we present our new designs for 2018 at the Stockholm Furniture Fair. The stand is designed by TAF Arkitektkontor who were commissioned to incorporate our values with their architecture. The result is a space where materials and craftsmanship feature in the floor, walls and partitions, decorated in down-to-earth colours that let the furniture take centre stage.
Timber wall frame
The back of the stand shows a timber wall frame. The concept is that you see inside a wall, where the construction is accentuated to give a feeling for craftsmanship and materials.
Monochrome islands
This year’s fair presents six new designs that each get their own space in the stand. From above, it looks like six islands of different colours, the spaces following the same range of colours as the furniture it represents. The colours are chosen after the fabrics primarily recommended for each respective model. The concept of the monochrome colour scheme is to reinforce the boundaries between the respective furniture groups, while at the same time the down-to-earth colours become an extension of the furniture.
“We want the stand to stick out by being toned down, and simultaneously we want to highlight the passion Gärsnäs has for quality, materials and a more classical way of making furniture,” says Gabriella Gustafson, designer at TAF Arkitektkontor.
A long-term concept
Building a stand for a fair usually involves a lot of waste. To make a more sustainable stand this year’s version uses the same long-term concept that goes into producing our furniture. The floor, walls and partitions are made of wood, of which some components will be moved to our showroom after the fair, and other parts can be reused. Furthermore, we have already begun reusing previous material: the table frame was recovered from last year’s stand.
Bleck partitions
The shelves separating the islands follow the same construction as the Bleck easy chair, which was last year’s new design from TAF Arkitektkontor. The shape is inspired by picture frames and the shelves are decorated with handmade artwork that reflects details in the Gärsnäs showroom. Eventually, the shelves might become a new model, but already this year you can see other new models in the Bleck series, where one of the islands showcases Bleck as a two- and three-seat sofa.
“All together the islands give an overall image of the brand, while each island represents specific furniture,” says Gabriela Gustafson, designer at TAF Arkitektkontor.