Where does your inspiration come from?
Everything and nothing. Inspiration can come at any moment. Sometimes I’ve woken up in the middle of the night and gone to the studio to get an idea out of my system. Otherwise I find it very inspiring to travel and experience other cultures. I like photography too, portraits especially. And then I’m rather gone on obsolete gizmos and enjoy leafing through old books about radio sets, record players and other gadgets.
What does your creative process look like?
It always starts with a manual sketch which I then visualise with the computer drawing program. The next step is to construct a prototype, a simple, life-size mock-up, to see if the proportions are right. If they aren’t I go back to the computer and change them.
Have you always wanted to be a designer?
I think so, even though, at first, I didn’t know what a designer was. As a child I enjoyed drawing, building with Lego and constructing things. Later, in the senior grades of compulsory school, when I’d finished all the set things in woodwork, my teacher told me I could make whatever I liked, so I knocked up a CD rack. I was so inordinately proud afterwards, convinced I’d made the smartest thing in the world. I think that’s where it all started…