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Due to the COVID-19 virus

Given the current circumstances and the risk of COVID-19 rapidly spreading, we at Gärsnäs wanted to inform you about how we are managing the situation.

Production is working fine with few disruptions. Our forward planning means we currently see no risk of delivery delays, etc.

On the contrary, we have ensured a good measure of deliverability, through manufacturing for stock, while at the same time procuring materials and components from suppliers to avoid a shortage of materials as much as possible.

Furthermore, we are carefully following the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Sweden and other authorities regarding the best way to secure the safety of our staff and customers.

We are following developments day by day via the media and information from the authorities and our trade organisation: the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry. At present, and for the time being, we are not booking any external meetings at our showroom in Stockholm or at L6 in Gothenburg or at the factory in Gärsnäs.

For questions regarding products, deliveries, etc, please contact customer support staff:
Frida Larsson [email protected] or Jessica Dahlberg, [email protected] tel 0414-530 00.

Together we will beat this crisis, because together we are strong!

Yours sincerely,
Dag Klockby CEO


Neither the showroom nor the factory outlet will be open for the Easter long weekend. The Rådrum art exhibition that was to open in the Gärsnäs showroom on Maundy Thursday 9 April has been postponed. We will provide more information about opening hours and sales in the near future.