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Social Responsibility

Gärsnäs works both internally and externally with social responsibility, including aspects regarding employees and the conditions of production at external suppliers.

Our requirements are based on the UN’s “Global Compact”: 10 principles on human rights, labour regulations, the environment and anti-corruption, relevant to companies. These principles are based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s fundamental conventions on human rights in employment, the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, national environmental and labour laws, as well as the UN’s Convention Against Corruption.

We make demands on ourselves and our partners that cover:

  • Human rights
  • Child labour
  • Working conditions
  • Discrimination and harassment
  • Freedom to join a trade union and collective bargaining
  • Terms of employment, wages and working hours
  • Workplace environment
  • Environmental practice
  • Anti-corruption

We regularly conduct visits and checks on our suppliers and require that they, in turn, set the same requirements on their subcontractors. We monitor our supply chain and conduct risk analysis of the entire supply chain. Any eventual disparity of requirements is handled as soon as possible in order to minimise any negative impact on people and the environment. Risk analysis is based on BSCI’s (The Business Social Compliance Initiative) classification of countries and such risks identified in various sectors.